Friday, August 26, 2016

Mt. Irid + Kinabuan Falls Sidetrip

MT.IRID, Tanay Rizal 1,467+ MASL | Difficulty 6/9 Major Climb
"a Rocky, Muddy, Endless Trail!"

Before we scheduled Mt. Irid we're planning to climb at Mt.Arayat first, it's been a month since the last time we climbed in Mt.Damas that's why we're too excited to the point we can't wait for the Date of our next climb so we decided to have a pre-post climb at Mt.Irid.

Because I'm the one who makes schedules and itineraries (or the one they so called Organizer in our group) I use to read blog first about the mountains we're going to climb next and luckily I found a blog which helps me to find Kuya Pedrito an Organizer and a Tour Guide in Mt.Irid. I got his Facebook link account, add him, message him and fortunately his very active so he enable to entertain my inquiries right away. I found out that, in order to climb Mt.Irid you have to write a request letter  first to get a PERMIT and I got Kuya Pedrito arrange everything for us including the Jeepney we're goin to ride from Cogeo Gate 2 to Sta.Ines Tanay Rizal, such a big convenience. We're only a group of 5 and there's another group we shared with the Jeepney and they are 12pax. The Jeepney rent cost P8,000 back and fort and we're a total of 17 persons over all so P8,000/17/pax =P470.52/pax.

We depart from Cubao Aurora at midnight we rode Patok Jeepney heading to Cogeo Gate 2, after an hour we got there. It's was raining as expected there's a rain and thunderstorm  as the said although we know it, we're not prepared, we're kind of stubborn hehe ^_^ I texted Kuya Pedrito that we arrived already I got his reply instructing us to walk further ahead to Petron Gas Station because that's were they parked the Monster Jeepney, that's 1 km. away. After 10 min. of walking in the rain we saw a man standing in the dark waving on us. We hurried to get into the Monster Jeepney, dry ourselves and try to find a good position to sleep while waiting for the other group to come (the group we shared the Jeepney with). Quarter to 3:00am they all came and we're all  set to leave. We depart before 3:00, I swear to you it's a long hell bumpy ride that you can never fall asleep or try to snap nap. At 4:40 we arrived at Brgy. Sta. Ines, we found another group in there conducting an Orientation as they are preparing to climb ahead of us. We waited in there until they called us in the Office for Registration. The registration cost P30/pax. and there's no payment for using the Comfort/Bath Room, we also leave our changing clothes and other unnecessary things in their office to lessen our burden. Before we climb we ate breakfast first into the nearest Carinderia. I find it amazing that they are open that early, we ate Lugaw with Egg then drink Coffee and I was amaze with the Prices, lugaw is just P15 and coffee is P10 only! feels like Heaven! ^_^

The first part of the trail is the 2 hrs. River Crossing, you have to cross 11 Rivers in order to get into the Jump Off, but no worries the water is just above knees. We decided not to take pictures while ascending so that we can trek faster and do the picture taking later when we get into the summit and when we trek back. After and hour and half we reach the jump off from the 11'th River we crossed, we stop by at the Kubo, prepare ourselves for a long walk heading to the Foot of the mountain.

There's so much Kubo a long the trail and there's this one who sell drinks and foods for mountaineers. After 2 hrs. we reach the Mountain Foot this where the Cardiac trail starts. It's muddy and Rocky! and it feels like an endless trail, going round and round an up, the Blood Sucker is present at this part. We have so much worries about the Limatik so we check ourselves from time to time, all of my colleagues got beaten except me, anyway just a little piece of advise here, when you get beaten by Limatik spray them alcohol or just let them sucked you some blood because they eventually leave you when they had enough so if you are kind enough to give a little blood just feed them, remember ALWAYS BE KIND EVEN TO PARASITES. LOL

After 2 hrs. we reach the SUMMIT, it's a total of 6 hrs. of trek. We ate our Lunch and haunt for views, when a say HAUNT means we waited for the wind to blow the Fog away so that we can see the views and took pictures. It's Rocky, very cold, windy and foggy up there.

it's freezing cold,.... I wanna Cry,..

We wanted to stayed for long but we couldn't, after an hour we decided to trek down because we're all getting a runny nose.



I tell you, trekking down is the hardest,..

down to the Foot,..
rest and getting ready for another 4 hrs of walk
that's the peak we climbed

One of our colleague went ahead of us to get to the Kubo along the trail and order some Pancit Canton for our Meryenda. We stayed on that Kubo for 30 min. and resume our Trek and Sidetrip to the Kibuan Falls.

Kinabuan Falls
Kinabuan Falls is just 10 min. away along the trail.

i really love this side of the Falls

the water is freezing cold "diba MJ?"
There's no Entrance Fee for Kinabuan Falls however there's a volunteer resident there who do the maintenance of the falls, they don't get a pay so they ask visitors/tourist for a little amount of donation but it's not mandatory. My colleague gave only P20 that's the kindest amount we can give. We stayed there for 10 min. then resume our trek back to Brgy. Sta. Ines.

River Crossing felt so endless, maybe because we're too tired already, the descend is the hardest and we're all felt weary and most of us injured already. 

We reach the Brgy. at exact 6:35pm, we spent 13hrs. in this Dayhike. We get to shower in Brgy. for Free and settle our payment in our Tour Guide for P700 and add P50 for a tip. The guides are not leaving not until their visitors left, they stayed there with us while waiting for the other group to came. The group of 12pax came at 7:00pm they took shower and we waited for them, we wanted to rest, we want to go home early but our 2 and half hrs. spent just waiting for them to finish their businesses. At 9:00pm we complained already to our Driver and by then they started to move faster and then we leave. In our way back to Cogeo Gate 2 it's the only time I noticed that the Jeepney is crossing into the River and not just into the bumpy road. It's 3-5 rivers I think, by then I realized that P8,000 back and fort is very reasonable rentals for this Monster Jeepney. When we get to the road it's was raining hard, we Drive very slowly because we can't almost view the road, a silent prayers until we get to Cogeo Gate 2, luckily there's an empty Jeepney who passed by when we get off the Monster Jeepney. We're back to Cubao at quarter to 12 and I'm home at 12:00 midnight, this Adventure ends in 24hrs.

Actual Itinerary:

12:00am Meetup Jolibee Farmers Cubao
12:10 ETD Cubao to Cogeo Gate 2
1:00 ETA Cogeo Gate 2
2:50 ETD Brgy. Sta. Ines Tanay Rizal
4:40  ETA  Brgy. Sta. Ines
5:35  ETD To Jumpoff River crossing 11x
7:20 Arrival to the jumpoff
7:30 Resume trek to the Foot
9:20 Foot of the Mountain
11:20 Arrival at the Summit (lunch photo ops)
12:20pm Start Descend
3:00 Meryenda at Kubo Station
3:30 Resume Trek
4:10 Kinabuan Falls photo ops
4:20 Resume trek
6:35 Arrival at the Brgy. Outpost (wash/shower) settle Tour Guide payment
9:00 ETD back to Cogeo Gate 2
11:00 ETA Cogeo Gate 2
11:45 Cubao Aurora
12:00mid HOME

Breakdown of Expenses:

P24 Jeepney to Cogeo Gate 2
P8,000/group | P470.52/pax/17pax  Rented Jeepney to Brgy. Sta Ines (Back&Fort)
P30/pax Registration
P15 Lugaw
P10 Coffee
P20 Donation for Maintenance of Kinabuan Falls
P700/group | P140/pax/5pax Tour Guide
P24 Jeepney to Cubao

Our Tour Contact Person:Kuya Pedrito - 0919-326-5454

Over all Mt. Irid was very tough! but we like tough mountains, we like being challenged. We don't just get entertained for the views of the mountain it must be challenging and difficult, we like the feeling of Hell tired after a long day of hike.

-"Life is more than just surviving!"
-til my next Journey

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