Friday, July 8, 2016

Mainstream Mountaineers Yearly Outreach Program

Mainstream Mountaineers Outreach 2013 "Our First Outreach"

"Time To Give Back!"

Every year our Team is conducting an Outreach Program for the kids and Families of Sitio Bato, Brgy. Sapang Bulac, Doña Remedios Trinidad Bulacan, it's a small Aeta community in the mountain that needs attention and help from our local government specially on livelihood, education and health. They live in the Mountain far from the civilization and because of that government help doesn't came often to them because in order to get to their place you have to ride or rent Habal-habal or trek up and down to muddy and rocky trail for 3hrs. if you are experienced Hiker and 4-5 hrs. if you are beginner. For Volunteers its a lot of sacrifices specially when they carrying those things we're going to give.

The beginning,...

This Outreach Program started since 2013, back then it's just Me and My Sister, her friend Julius and the 3 Pastors of Adventist Church, just the 7 of us, until the next next next year we became a large group. I still can't believe that we're doing this for almost 4 years now and will continue to do it as long as we see the need for it. To clarify things we're not doing this just to get attention or to brag that we're kind enough to give or we have too much to give. Just like you, we're just an ordinary person who come to work everyday, pay bills, attend class, party and explore mountains as part of our hobby, but the main core of our group is "Giving" and this Outreach is the reason why there is Mainstream Mountaineers. Why we became interested in exploring mountains, meeting Aeta/Tribes and learn their culture, discover the joy of giving and helping and love our mother nature more. But you cannot call us environmentalist, advocates or what ever you can call this thing. Again, we're just an ordinary persons who occasionally loves being overwhelmed and makes difference.

Mainstream Mountaineers Outreach 2014
The cons,...

But y'know what? not everything is good, not everyone seems to like it, sometimes we receive criticism, bad feed backs and questioned or legitimacy. Doing this sometimes put yourself to the situation were you beg people to donate something that is not for yourself, you lower yourself eat all your pride and much worst is that when people tell you "bakit ako? dun ka humingi sa mga kaklase nating mayaman" or "bakit hindi kayo sa Government humingi ng tulong" those words it made us feel bad and put us in a bad mark. But it's not like we're complaining because nobody told us to do this in the first place and not everyone likes to give and it's their right to voice out their opinion good or bad or to turned us down. So we completely understand them and instead of feeling worry or bad about it we just ignore the negative sides and focus on the blessings that God sends to us in order to make the Outreach Program happen.

Mainstream Mountaineers Outreach 2015 titled "Hope for a Child"
The Outreach 2016

This year, with the help of our few friends who BELIEVED us and continue supporting our Program we enable to provide them, School Supplies, Toys, Slippers, Old Clothes, Personal Hygiene Kit, Relief Goods and in addition to that we also had Tree Planting c/o Gamma Sigma Tarlac. This years Outreach is the most blessed and organized one plus there's a newly constructed road going to their place which is easier to trek than the old trail, it's now accessible and more convenient.

Mainstream Mountaineers Outreach 2016 "Faith, Love, Hope"

Jam Packed Jeepney heading to the Location
one of the best feeling is riding on the top of Jeepney :)
Jump off Brgy. Sapang Bulac
boys carrying the Trees for planting, boys? 
Donations is on Habal-habal because we can't carry them all
Me and MJ (the photographer) trekking

these Kids serves as our Tour Guide

then we called it #Squadgoals
First Stop doesn't mean we're near

when there's a river means we're near :)

Arriving at the Seventh Day Adventist Church proper in Sitio Bato
Breakfast for the Volunteers after 3 hrs. of Hiking
Everyone is busy preparing for the Program

It's Julius the one who assigned in Kids Party
Registration for Kids Party, putting a name Tag on each kids
Sorting out the donated Old clothes
Team Cooking / Team Kanin
me talking to their Leader/Elder just a small chit chat how's life goes on since the last time we came
there you Go kids are Ready :)
Start the Program with a Prayer from Maam Elvie
and a simple Flag Ceremony with Sir Gilbert
Short story from our Founder my sister Janice
the kids are listening well
Party begins with the Sack Race game :)

Winning Team gets their Prizes

Kids enjoying the game LOL

winning or loosing every kids deserve Toys

Group yourselves into,.. Game!
Spaghetti is coming....
These kids,.. they are the future, they will continue this Program someday

The Spaghetti Team! / Cooking Team! :)

Feeding Program Starts

delicious right?? ^_^
those SMILES :)

Parents lining up for the Ukays hehehhe :)

glad that the parents enjoy our Ukay :)
inside the Church, we're giving Bag with School supplies and Slippers
and Thank you for my friend Byron's company for the additional Bags
the bags that my friend Ian donated :)
Maam Elvie fitting them Slippers
The 3D bag,.. they love it so much! :)

that Jansport bag! :)
I bet those bags will still be useful until next year :) #quality

Me with the Marshmallows, they love the Marshmallows so much! I'm like a walking mallows hehe :)
some of them leave already T_T
Time for Tree Planting :)

Mainstream Tree Planting

at lease 50 Trees were Planted

The camp site in the morning Day 2
have a Coffee and Energen before we leave for Falls
PRAY before we head to Falls
heading to Falls
in this early morning by 6:00am
trek to the falls for 1 hr.
the Corn Field
these kids are up too early to swim

These kids serves as a Tour guide for slow trekker
Good morning,..
getting there,..
my sister preparing to Jump we're on the top of the falls
and MJ our Photographer is mad at me for taking her shot this bad LOL :)
top view of the falls lagoon

stop at the Water station before heading back to the Camp

having my moment like a carabao LOL

their Classrooms

back to Campsite and prepare to Leave
trekking down #Jumpshot
back to Jumpoff
the Salem sisters and our photographer MJ
my sister trekking down and posing a bit :)
and this is how our Outreach ends,.. ^_^ she's my Sister the Founder of Mainstream Mountaineers :)

so Glad to those people who have helped us, without them we cannot make it,.. ^____^ Thank you for the continuous support to our Sponsors and Volunteers,.. ^_____^  #maywemeetagain

-"Life is more than just surviving!"
-til my next Journey


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